Human Nature
This course is an historical and thematic introduction to the philosophical tradition. Lectures focus largely on the western intellectual tradition although special attention is paid to Catholic and Ancient thought. Click on section titles to view syllabi.
Theory of Ethics
Theory of Ethics is a historical and thematic survey of largely western theories of philosophical ethics. Ethical theories covered include Utilitarianism, Kantianism, Natural Law, and Virtue Ethics. Click on section titles to view syllabi.
Business Ethics
In this course, we examine a variety of issues relating to the broad category of business ethics, from workplace morals to theories of the just distribution of goods. Topics covered include capitalism, corporate environmentalism, and the glass ceiling. Click on section titles to view syllabi.
Democracy and Deliberation
This course is grounded on the assumption that democracy involves communication, discussion, and deliberation between individuals and groups with varying commitments. Throughout, we consider some issues that arise with democratic practices such as the tyranny of the majority, the relation between democracy and imperialism, populism, and the character of informed or qualified citizens. Click on section title to view syllabus.
Ethics of Climate Change
This course investigates the ethical problems associated with climate change, including: What ethical frameworks are helpful for evaluating the complex social, environmental, intergenerational and international ethical issues that climate change raises? What moral responsibility do individuals have for helping to resolve problems in which their whole society is implicated? What is the fairest and most effective way to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? Is our current rate of GHG emissions a new form of domination – not only over the earth and other civilizations, but also over future generations? Does the massively collective nature of climate change necessitate new ways of conceptualizing environmental ethics?